Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Where's The Beef (Recipes)?

Alrighty. So I have 90-something pounds of beef in my freezer and very little beef braising experience aside from your standard Beef Stew. A pot of Boeuf Bourguignon is in the oven (using Face Rump Roast), hoping this will be as good as Julia Child claims it to be.

Does anyone have any favorite beef recipes they would like to share? Roasts, Stews, and hamburg dishes are welcome. I am way out of my league here....HELP!


Michelle @ Give a Girl a Fig said...

One of our favorite (and easiest) recipes is roast in the crock pot. Put peeled and cubed potatoes and peeled carrots cut into chunks in the bottom of your crocl pot. Sear a roast on all sides, seasoning it generously with salt, pepper and garlic powder as you go. Once it's seared and good and browned on all sides palce the roast on top of the veggies. Add a bouillion cube (if you use them) and about a cup or so of water and cover. Cook on low all day...8 hours or so...and serve. I serve with peas because I like the combo. It's also good served with bread to sop up the juices!

For the ground beef I like to make tacos. Easy, easy. (I'm going to assume you know how to make these...if not, let me know and I'll tell you how I do mine). I also make Mexican meatball soup...another recipe I can share upon request! Shepherd's Pie is excellent with the ground beef. Season with thyme for a special kick.

Hmmm...what else? Stir fry is good with round steak...or stroganoff. Swiss steak. I could go on...but I think I'm taking up all the megabytes... :)

Thomas said...

Did you get any beef bones??? If so, maybe you should try to make a port demi-glass. My favorite way to eat beef is steak could make your own over-roasted fries or potatoes, grilled steak (which had been marinated in coarse pepper, garlic, rosemary and sea salt) and serve with the demi-glass.....oh! and the finishing touch...a hunk of blue cheese butter on top!

Ok, now I'm hungry.

Ruth Trowbridge said...

The best way to cook meat is in a covered pot, the best is cast iron, in the oven at 350. Have you downloaded my book for free yet Kelli, I have a little section on this in there (won't be free much longer). The secret of course is to let it cook way longer than you would think. It is not unusual to cook a roast in this manner for 3 hours. This is only if you want pull apart tender meat. Don't add water. After the meat is cooked, soup or gravy can be made with the juices left in the pot. Looks like you will be eating out a fair bit until your kitchen is done, too bad (lol). Peace

Kelly said...

You know what Rose- I did download your book but it was lost along with everything else on my last computer's hard drive. It was a great read, I left you a comment over at lulu(??) I think.